Day in the Life

Jul 6, 1878

Journal Entry

July 06, 1878 ~ Saturday

6. I met in the New Tabernacle to Attend a quarterly
conference of this stake of Zion. Reports of the stake
were read. Then Angus Cannon the President of
the stake spoke 45 Minuts. Afternoon O Pratt
spoke 15 M, Bishop Crane 13 M Br Despain 8
Another 5 M, Andrew Bart 5 M Elder Brandon 2
Br Steel 12 M, W Woodruff 15. There were
but few people present many of the Bishops not
present. I Blessed the child of Sister McAllister its
7Name is Josephine


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Discourse 1878-07-06
Elder Wilford Woodruff, addressed the Conference, bear- [ing] testimony to the remarks of Elder Orson Pratt. He felt that if this people did not repent, the judgements of the Lord were at their door. Both the living and the dead were looking to this people to do a work for them and if the Saints neglected their duties their blood would be answered upon the heads of this people.
Discourse 1878-07-06
noon Elder O. Pratt and Elder W. Woodruff gave a most earnest exhortation of the Latter- day Saints to awake to the importance of the times, and realize the great responsibilities they were called upon to carry out.


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Jul 6, 1878