Day in the Life

Aug 16, 1878

Journal Entry

August 16, 1878 ~ Friday

16. We took waggon crossed the Mountain to Moroni
and Dined then Rode to Ephraim 33 Miles
it was a Rough Road & Emma was quite poorly


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1030 mentions


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Letter from James Godson Bleak, 16 August 1878
Dear Bro. Woodruff, Since writing the account of the Temple being struck by lightning this morn- ing, and which has been addressed to Prest Taylor and yourself. I have got a sketch from the inside of the dome, kindly taken by Bro. P. Leuba and brought to me by Bro Wm H. Thompson. Feeling it would be interesting to you I enclose it. I also enclose a sample of the lightning works on some of the roof canvas and a nail or two which shows the effect of the electric agent. With kind regards, Your Brother James G. Bleak.
Letter from John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 16 August 1878
To Presidents John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren, Between 2 and 3 o'clock this morning it began to thun- der and lighten in this City. At 3 o'clock it commenced to rain, and shortly after 3, the Temple was struck by lightning. The East Side of the small Octagon under the vane appears to have been first struck, then the East- ern face of the octagonal dome, thence cours- ing down the N.E. rib of the dome on the in- side, coming out through the cornice under the dome, thence down the lower Octagon between the siding and the N.N.E. column, strik- ing N. along the roof of the square tower then passing through the tower roof and after doing so divided making exit, one part through the E. front of the tower but the larger part through the N. front
Letter from John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 16 August 1878
St. George, Prests John Taylor, and Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Shortly after three o'clock this morning, the Temple was struck by lightning, the bolt first struck the dome on the East face, near the top breaking it in and shattering the word of all the Section 9 the East part, then down to the first rise above the square of the octagon of the dome, then followed down to the foot of top flight of steps, and ran quartering North East a floor of parapet, down through


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Aug 16, 1878