Day in the Life

Jan 31, 1879

Journal Entry

January 31, 1879 ~ Friday

31. I spent the day in the Temple we gave 104 Endow[me]nts
Ordained 40 Elders W Woodruff sealed 13. W Woodruff
had 5 persons Adopted to him


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Letter to Winnifred Blanche Woodruff Daynes, 31 January 1879
[S]t George Temple My Dear Emma Do you know I hardly Ever had a letter that done me more good than the one I got to Night at 8 oclok from you for I was so anxious to hear from home. I wrote you and all the family on the 24, which you will gat all safe I trust. I told Asahel about my Deer hunt. But I was so gratified to hear that you and the family were well during this Terrible time of sickness. I could not bear the thought that my children should die and be buried as some families are. I feel deeply sorry for Brothe & Sister Mousley. It seames impossible to im- part consolatio to such. Bring it home to our own care what if we had to bury Nelly, Asahel, Clary, Owen & Blanch, who could give us consolation it is enough to make one weep at the thought. I feel to thank the Lord that our family are so far preserved and that I have the prospect of seeing them in the flesh when I return home. I know Blanch is my girl. But I would like to know who Nelly, Asahel Clary & Owen Belongs to I think I have some claim on them if I have not, I like to know who has, if any body was to tell me I had not they would get themselves into difficulty
Letter to Winnifred Blanche Woodruff Daynes, 31 January 1879
As to Mary All Alice that Blessed Baby of course that belongs to Ma and we will leave that for her to take care of it is rather strange that she does not cry for her father I think it is best for the childran to stay at home during bad weather, it is better tohan to get sick. I think it was well for sister Pearl not to come from a sick family to the House. I gave your Love to Sister Church I am still laborig in the Temple and getting some of my work done Every day, I went to the stone quiry with Brothe Teasdale, I borrowed a gun & shot 7 quails which made us a good Meal. I am glad Asahel is doing so well I feel quite incouraged abut him I am glad he has got into Business He has a good chance now to make for himself a good character, and I hope he will improve it but as I want to write a little to children I will close Praying the Lord to Bless you with health, strength and peace and the spirit of God I remain yours W Woodruff Dear Blanch, you are my girl, and I want to have you a good girl, I expect to see you almost a young woman when I come home, I want you to mind Ma help take care of the Baby and learn to pray night & Morning, for I your Father Pray for you daily in the great white Tem[ple] of St George I am your Loving Father [W]ilford Woodruff


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Jan 31, 1879