Day in the Life

Mar 10, 1879

Journal Entry

March 10, 1879 ~ Monday

March 10. Keys crossed Two years ago to day I was laboring in the
Temple to day I am in Kanab My things arived at 2 oclk
at which time I left Kanab with Br Robison and drove
to Johnsons Run then took Passage with Wm Johnson
and Brigham Y. Duffin's waggon we drove to the foot of
Buckskin mountain and camped for the night 22 Mils


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Duffin, Brigham Fielding
30 Mar 1858 - 18 Feb 1940
25 mentions
Johnson, William
3 Dec 1789 - 5 May 1850
10 mentions
1840 British Convert


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
10 March Two years ago I was in the Temple {shorthand} to day I am in Kanab my things arived at 2 oclok I then left Kanab at 2 oclok with Br Robinson & drove to Johnson Run then took passage with Wm Johnson & Brigham Y. Duffin's waggon
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
we drove to the foot of the Buckskin Mountain & camped for the night 22 Miles


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Mar 10, 1879