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Day in the Life

Mar 14, 1879

Journal Entry

March 14, 1879 ~ Friday

14 [FIGURE] We drove to Lees Ferry and crossed I here
left Br Johnson who was the ferryman and at home we
then crossed the Mountain called Lees Backbone


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1840 British Convert


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
14. We drove to Lees ferry & crossed I here left Brother Johnson as this was his home we then crossed the Hogs Back Bone the worst Hill, Ridge, or Mountain that I ever attempted to cross with a team on Earth we had 4 Horse on a waggon with 1500 lbs freight and for 2 rods we could ownly gain from 4 inches to 24 with all the power the Horses could
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
could lay out, and going Down was vary steep & sandy & Rocky which would be worse going up then on the north side I visited the Colorado for the first time in my life whare I first went to the river the [illegible] stone walls on each side of the river were 2000 feet high perpendicular the river itself did not look as large as the Jordan River We drove to the Navaho springs watered drove a mile & camped for the night. distance of the day 16 M[iles] and the Hardest days drive I ever saw with an Horse team


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Mar 14, 1879