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Day in the Life

Mar 26, 1879

Journal Entry

March 26, 1879 ~ Wednesday

26. A Hot day. John W Young is vary Busy building
him a Dwelling House and woollen Factory. The
Navajos come daily and visit and Bring wool to
trade &c Br August Wilkin and Gardner returned
to day from visiting the Moquich, & Navajoes brought
back with them the Son of the Chief Cachaby his
sons name was Polakhah. he speaks 7 different
Languages including good Spanish, the Brethren
saw a large collection of the Navajos They had
Killed three of their Indian Doctors because they
had made bad Medicine & let their Patients die
if white men served Doctors the same way as many
might not die under therir care. Their is a small
tribe of Indians called Supies or Cahones we
have some thought of visiting them They number
about 300 Men women & children They live in a Deep
gorge called Cateract Creek will walls of solid rock
perpendicular each side of them 4000 feet high The valley


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

9 mentions
Chief Cachaby
unk.-aft. 1888
6 mentions
Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
300 mentions
Polacca, Tom
bef. 1861-1911
10 mentions


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)

256. A Hot Day John W Young is vary Busy in Building dwellings & woollen [Quilts] the Navajos come Daily & visit & Bring wool to trade &c Br August Wilkins and Brother Gardner Returned to day from visiting the Moquah & Navajos & Brought back with them the son of the Chief Cachaby his sons name is

Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)

Polakkah He speaks 7 Languages including good spanish. the Brethren saw a large collection of the Navajos thay had killed 3 of their Indian Doctors because they had made bad Medicine & some of the friends of the Doctors were mad and some of the Moquich told the Brethren they better not go into their council Thare is a small tribe of Indians called Supies or Cohones John W Young & myself think of visiting them This band of Supies now has about 300 Men women & children they live in a deep gorge called Cataract Creek with walls perpendicular each side of them 4000 feet high. the valley [below] whare they live is 1/2 to 1/4 mile wid. thare is but 2 points whare this valley can be reached and that is in a stratta of soft material by the ware of time has worn away so that a

Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)

trail is made but it requires a steady nerve and clear head to pass over these trails. As you start down the cliff rises perpendicular above but a few feet but Below you look down 3000 feet into what appears to be the last Jumping off place the trail is from 4 to 8 feet wide but in many places by constant use is worn deep into the rock thare are few men who can bear to look upon the Giddy sight & some have to be fast and upon their Horses & blindfolded in order to make the descent. The Indians say there are some of the falls betwen whare they live and the Colorado Canyons are grand Beyond description in this Deep & beautiful valley this little band of Supies live thay have orchards of peach trees, and raise an abundance, they also raise all the grain & vegitable they con- sume, they go out of this deep gulch & kill a great many deer & other game they trade there skins with other tribes for Blankets and are caled the princes

Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)

of Arizona, they are vary friendly and hospitable to any strangers who visit them yet but vary few white men have Ever seen these Indians or visited their secluded valleys Brother Andrew S Gibbons visited them they all live in dens & caves of the Earth 4000 feet below the level Earth above they formerly used ladders to go down a part of the way to make the road shorter They will communicate upon all subjects Except mines they will give no information upon this subject.


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Mar 26, 1879