30. Sunday The Navajos campe into camp this morning
I had quite a talk with them, but they had now come to trade
their wool, they had brought their flocks onto the creek near
by to shear so as not to have to Bring their wool on Donkeys
we had a Meeting with the lamanites at 2 oclok and presented before
them a Panorama of Adam & Eve in the garden of Eden [Genesis 3] Cain
killing Abel [Genesis 4], Noah flood [Genesis 7], Nephi return from Laban with
the Brass plates [1 Nephi 4], Lehi crossing the ocean, landing and offering
up sacrafice & dedicating the Land to the Lord [1 Nephi 18], Christ Crucifixion
& resurrection, his Baptizsm &c. The Naviajoh Chief interpeted
to his people what I said to them. They seemed much They
seem interested. We met again in the Evening I followed
Br Gibbons I gave a history of my Experiences & revelations
given in the Temple I spoke upon the principle of revelation
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