Aprill6, 1879. 49 years ago to day Joseph Smith
the Prophet organized the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints with 6 members and to day I still live in the
flesh and am here in Moancopy Yavapie Co Arizona Ter
whare I am making it my home for the time being On an
Indian Mission. There is to day but one of the first
Quorum of the Apostles Organized ^alive^ viz Orson Pratt, and
two of the seconed Quorum 2 John Taylor & Wilford Woodruff
how long we shall live the Lord knoweth, I do not. The General
Conference of the Church met to day in the big Tabernacle
in the city of Salt Lake while I am in this barren Desert
Country for keeping one of the command[me]nts of God viz the
Patriarchal Order of Marriage will the next April Conference
find me alive and a free man God knoweth
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