Day in the Life

May 18, 1879

Journal Entry

May 18, 1879 ~ Sunday

18 May Sunday I met with the Saints of Both settle[men]ts Sunset
& Brigham City Met in the Sunset Dining Hall which was
filled I spoke in the forenoon one hour & 30 Minuts and in the afternoon
One hour I dined with the company at the big table. Iwt was
the first time I had Ever met with the united order I spent
the Evening in listning to the rehearsal of Lot Smiths account of Burning 75 waggons


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Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
18 May Sunday I met with the Saints of Both settlements Brigham City & Sunset met in the Sunset Dining Hall which filled the Hall I spoke in the forenoon 1 H[our] & 30 M[inutes] in the Afternoon about one hour I dined with the company at the Big table I spent the Evening list[en]ning to Br Lot Smith in giving the History of the Burning the 75 provisions waggons of the Government sent By Buchanan against the Mormons the recital of which was vary interesting

May 18, 1879