Day in the Life

May 26, 1879

Journal Entry

May 26, 1879 ~ Monday

26. I went out in company with Brother Merrill on
horsback to view the country and hunt game we traveled
some 12 miles viewed goosebury spring we passed thrugh
good forest of pine, quaking Asp & white oak saw white oak
from 2 1/2 to 3 feet though some from 50 to 60 feet high, pine
from 6 inches to 4 feet through from 50 to 125 feet high. we
saw no game untill within 3 miles of the Mill I saw a vary large
Doe Antilope I shot her 125 yards through the Body &
vitals and she run 300 yards over a ridge with her hind
parts to me I shot at her again and put a Ball from my
Needle gun clear though her Body Endways the Ball
came out at her throat & she fell dead. Either shot would
have killed her we cut her head out took her Entrails
out it was all both of us could do to put her onto a horse
took her to the Mill and the Brethren dressed her. We
took Dinner & took the hind quarter of our game & and
Drove 15 Miles & camped for the night. Distance of the day 30 [miles].


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
26. I went out in company with Brother Marrill on Horsback to view the country & Hunt game we travelled some 15 Miles viewed Goosebury spring we passed through vast forest of good pine quaken asp[en] & white oak saw white oak from 2 inches to 3 feet through some from 50 to 60 feet high, pine from 6 inches to 4 feet through from 50 to 125 feet tall we saw No game untill our [r[ea]chin[g]] within about 3 Miles of the mill I saw a vary large doe Antilope I walked up behind trees within 125 yards of her & shot her with my Needle gun Behind the foresholder clean through her vitals & she ran 300 yards over a ridge & stoped hind parts to me I shot at her again and sent a Ball clear through[.] her End was come out at the Breast & she fast died Either shot would have killed her we cut her head off & took her Entrails out & tied her on Behind a saddle & took
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
her to camp the Brethren Dressed her we took Dinner & took the hind quarter of the veni[s]on & drove 15 Miles toward sun set & camped for the night I travled 30 M[iles]

May 26, 1879