Day in the Life

May 31, 1879

Journal Entry

May 31, 1879 ~ Saturday

31 I met with the Saints in the dining hall at Brigham
at 10 oclok for a two days meeting. The room was
76 feet By 18 1/2 and was filled There were present all the
Presidents & Bishop & ther council[lors] from the several Branches
W Woodruff spoke 70 M[inutes], Jesse N Smith 30 M. Afternoon
Lorenzo Hatch spoke 25 M Jesse N Perkins 12 M, Oscar
15 M, John Bushman 8 M W Woodruff 20 M


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Discourse 1879-05-31
Brother Allen ^W Woodruff^ said Zion is going to spread forth. He had seen the persecutions the Saints had passed through, yet Zion had not gone backward. The Lord will cut his work short in righteousness. Let every man offer up his prayers to the Lord of Sabaoth, and when 100,000 elders offer up thier prayers in faith, they will not go unanswered. We have the Lord on our side. Was glad to hear of the spirit of union among us. The earth is our home and we should so live that we will be prepared to live, upon it when it becomes sanctified. May the Lord bless the children who are growing up, who never saw babylon. Counselled the young to marry when they were old enough.
Discourse 1879-05-31
After devotional exercises, brother Allen ^W. Woodruff^ adrdressed the Conference. He was pleased to meet with a Conference of the Saints for the first time in this Territory. Read from the Doctrine and Covenants part of a revelation given to Thomas B. Marsh con- cerning the Twelve. He never met with the Saints in Conference but what he reflected upon the position they occupied with theier God each other and the world. We little comprehended the responsi- bilities that rests upon us as apostles, seventies, elders and saints. Every prophet from father Adam down had spoken of this great last dispensation. Adam 3 years before his death spoke of all that should transpire untill the millenium. [Doctrine and Covenants 107:53-56] Isaiah had written our history in coming up to these mountains. The Lord has reserved spirits to tabernacle in this last dispensation. Abraham was chosen to stand at the head of Israel. [Genesis 12:1-3] Has the Lord set his hand to build up this kingdom at random? No. God had reserved spirits to come forth in this last dispenseation. Joseph Smith was reserved to open it up, and the apostles, seventies and hundreds of others had been kept back in the spirit world for 6000 years to come forth at this time. Others were inspired to do their part in starting certain principles or perform certain works, such as Calvin, Columbus and the establishers of this free and independent government. When the Gospel came to the world it took one of a family and two of a city, and the the hand of God was in this. [Jeremiah 3:14] We recieved the priesthood in the spirit world, now has come our time, and what has God for us to do? What manner of men had we ought to be. Refer- red to Moses day, how few men held the priesthood in his day, now 999 of every 1000 of the males in the Church holds
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
May 31. I met at 10 oclok at the Dining Hall at Brigham City, the Saints for a quarterly conference the room was 76 feet By 18 1/2 feet and was filled there was present W W, Lot Smith George Lake, Jesse N Smith Jesse N Perkins Lorenzo H Hatch Oscar Man of forest Dale W Woodruff spoke 70 Minutes Jesse N Smith 30 M Afternoon Prayer By Jesse N Perkins Lorenzo Hatch spoke 25 M Jesse N Perkins 12 M Oscar Mann 15 M John Bushman 8 M, W W 20 M

May 31, 1879