5. I went out hunting Deer with a Boy horsback I saw
two deer I got within 130 yards of them shot and the buck
fell down in his tracts and I supposed He was dead, his
mate took a circle around me and I shot at her 3 times
and wounded her and followed her over a ridge
into a thick grove & lost her I was gone 20 minutes &
when I returned for my buck behold he had come to and
gone all so I lost Both this taught me the lesson to cut
the throat of my Deer when I knocked him down if I
wanted to save him I wrode about half a mile further and
a drove of 20 deer stoped within 20 yards of me, and
the Horse I was on would not let me shoot from off him
with safety and By the time I was on the ground they all
turned & ran from me. I saw 22 deer & 6 Antilope and
got none. Distance of the day 15 M
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