Day in the Life

Sep 27, 1879

Journal Entry

September 27, 1879 ~ Saturday

27 It is raining this morning. Many Brethren came to con-
ference we met at 10 oclok. Prayer By Bishop Mann
Jesse N Smith spoke 9 M[inutes]. The Bishops & Elders then made
their reports of their wards. James Cowans represented Rush
, Oscar Mann Forest Dale, Peter Christofferson
Round Valley, John Hunt Snow Flake W Woodruff spoke
15 Minuts Lot Smith 35 M. Afternoon Prayer By J N Perkins

Lorenzo Hatch spoke 42 M[inutes], Jesse N Smith 30 M, W Woodruff
spoke 10 M. I met in the Evening with the Priesthood and we
regulated the Price of Tithing in this country


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2 mentions
Smith, Jesse Nathaniel
2 Dec 1834 - 5 Jun 1906
Hatch, Lorenzo Hill
4 Jan 1826 - 20 Apr 1910
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions


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Discourse 1879-09-27

Elder Woodruff Spoke of a recent visit to the village Indians of New Mexico. There were some 32,000 of them, he regarded them as a very superior race of Lamanites

Discourse 1879-09-27

Elder Willford Woodruff Spoke of the advantages derived from such an organ- ization he also urged the necessity of starting a Cooperative Store.

Discourse 1879-09-27

Elder Woodruff made some excellent remarks urging the Saints to be faithful, and never give up a true principalle for the sake of honor.

Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)

27. It is raining this Morning Many Brothers came to conference we met at 10 oclok prayer By Bishop Man Jesse N Smith spoke 9 M[inutes]. The Bishops & Elders then made their reports of their wards. James Cowens represented Bush Valley, Oscar Mann Forest Dale, Peter Christoferson Round valley, John Hunt Snow Flake, W W spoke 15 Minutes Lot Smith 35 M. After noon prayer By Jesse N Perkins Lorenzo H Hatch spoke 42 Minutes Jesse N Smith 30 M.

Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)

W W spoke 10 Minuts vary plain I met in the Even[in]g with the priesthood & we regulated the price of the tithing of this country

Sep 27, 1879