Day in the Life

Oct 15, 1879

Journal Entry

October 15, 1879 ~ Wednesday

15 [FIGURE] we arose this morning and found that
the Little Colorado had overflowed its Banks and the country
it came near the fort it was within 6 inches as high
as last year But the crops was mostly Gathered
so it did no damage we received two Deseret
Keys crossed containing the Decision of the third district
court. Their was a compromise with the Execetors
Trustee & the heirs of President Youngs Esstate in the
Payment to the heirs of $75,000. The court confirmed
all the acts of the Execetors in the settlem[en]t of the Esstate


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3470 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
15 We arose this morning & found that the Little Colorado had arisen and overflowed the country it came near the fort it was within 6 inches as high as last year but the crops were mostly Gathered so it done No damage I shot 2 rabbits [FIGURES] We received a Deserett News of Oct containing the Decision of the 3rd District Court there was a compromise with the Trustees & Execetors & the heirs in this suit of Law settle or compromise is Payment of $75,000. The court confirmed all the Acts of the Execetors in the settlement of the Esstate This caused us rejoicing

Oct 15, 1879