Day in the Life

Feb 22, 1880

Journal Entry

February 22, 1880 ~ Sunday

22 ^{Sunday}^ We left the gulch and drove 12 miles further up the mountain it
^was^ near bear ground & soft and hard drawing a waggon we camped in the cedars 12 [miles]
we visited a crack in the Earth 100 yards long & 20 feet wide at the
top & 10 feet wide lower down it was supposed that no bottom could
be found but on the 2nd visit by the aid of glasses we could [see] sbottom but
it diped from South to North at an angle of 45 degres was
probably 500 feet deep

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Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
22 {shorthand} we left the Gulch & drove 12 miles further up the mountain it was bear ground & snow and the earth soft & very hard drawing we camped in the cedars 12 Miles 23. we visited a crack in the Earth 100 yards long 20 feet wide at the tops & 10 feet wide lower down it was supposed No bottom could be found we rolled off rocks of hundred pounds weight and they would strike shelves below break in peaces & the sound behest in the distance But on our return afterwards with the use of a Glass we could see the bottom but it diped from South to North on an angle of 45 degrees it was probably 500 feet Deep


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Feb 22, 1880