Day in the Life

Apr 16, 1880

Journal Entry

April 16, 1880 ~ Friday

16 I spent the day in the Historian Office I Paid $40 tithing
to day. I corrected one of my sermons


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Epistle to the presidents and bishops, 16 April 1880
To the Presidents of Stakes and Bishops of the Several Wards: Dear Brethren – During the an- nual Conference begun in this city on the 6th inst., the Trustee in Trust, with the unanimous approval of the Apostles and Counselors, deemed it a fitting opportunity, on the 50th anniversary of the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints, and at the close of the Year of Jubilee, to propose re- mitting some $800,000 or one-half of the indebtedness to the Perpetual Emigrating Fund Company, by the worthy poor who are struggling with adversity, unable to pay, and with but little prospect of ever be- ing able. This very liberal proposi- tion was cordially sustained by the unanimous vote of the vast congre- gation, composed of authorities and members from all regions of our set- tlements. That these remissions may be applied in the wisest manner possi- ble, the Bishops of the several Wards are hereby respectfully requested to at once proceed to learn who of those indebted to the P. E. Fund Company they may deem entitled to the benefit of the aforenamed re- missions, and write down names, ages, year of immigration and P. O. address, with a few of the principal reasons why they recommend a re- mission, and forward all such re- commends to their several Presidents of Stakes. The Presidents of Stakes are also respectfully requested to at once carefully examine the aforesaid re- commends from the Bishops; en- dorse thereon their approval or dis- approval, with or without remarks, as they may please, and forward to the President or Clerk of the P. E. F. Co., Box B, this city, for consid- eration and final action by the pro- per authorities here, and their action thereon will be made known to the parties concerned through their Bishop as speedily as may be. In case a Bishop shall deem it more proper to recommend remit- ting only a part of an indebtedness, he will recommend accordingly, as aforenamed, specifying the amount.
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
16. I spent the day at the Historian Office I Paid $40 to day cash Tithing I corrected my sermons.


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Apr 16, 1880