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Day in the Life

May 3, 1880

Journal Entry

May 03, 1880 ~ Monday

May 3. We took cars and rode to S. L. City I received 2 letter
[FIGURE] from Sarah and the Temple work at St George
[FIGURES] The council voted to day that the Twelve should receive
$2000 a year for their services and their support from Jan 1, 1880


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
695 mentions

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Daybook (October 24 1879 - January 31 1881)
May 3rd We took cars & rode to S. L City 100 Miles [FIGURE] I received 2 Letters Sarah & Temple work at St George [FIGURE]The council voted to day that the Twelve should receive $2000 a year instead of $1500 as that Did not support their Large families and the $2000 commence at Jan 1, 1880 and many of the Bank accounts to be forgiven


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May 3, 1880