Day in the Life

May 25, 1880

Journal Entry

May 25, 1880 ~ Tuesday

25 A hand pointing to the right I wrote letter to John W Irons of Moroni A M Tenney
upon Election & Railroads contracts & other subjects I was in
council with President Taylor & others. It is still vary cold weather
I attended A meeting with L W Hardy in the 9th ward on the
Utah Eastern Rail Road I spent the night grass lot 6 Mils


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Tenney, Ammon Meshach
16 Nov 1844 - 28 Oct 1925
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1954 mentions
Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
233 mentions


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Letter to Ammon Meshach Tenney, 25 May 1880
Mr. A. M. Tenney, Dear Brother; I received your two letters May 7 and 8, and ^they^ have been read to Bro. Taylor, and we are all pleased that things are as well as they are with you. A few items I wish to speak of. We sent word to the Priests and Bishops to assist in paying for the purchase of St. John in case of necessity, but as they can have no demand upon you until next November perhaps by that time there may be help enough to pay for the place without borrowing the Church stock, at least it might be well to let it rest until fall to see what position you will be in. Concerning taking contracts on the railroad I think that would be well, but I think the Presidents of the Stakes should be consulted and a Committee appointed and some man chosen to make these contracts for the people who will do justice by the people and not pocket one half the people's earnings by their lax^b^or. Of course any man who takes these contracts on the railroad should be well paid for his labors. But there is so much speculation in taking railroad contracts that it wants to be well guarded. This work should be done through the Board of Trade or a Committee appointed by the people. But one thing should be guarded against, the Mormons should not underbid each other but get as much as they can for the work. Our people should grade all the railroad that goes through our settlements and if they act wisely they can get a good price for it. I think it would be well to consult with Jesse N. Smith and Lot Smith on the subject, as the work will have to be done by those stakes. You will want to unite together upon that work, and all act honestly with each other, and let each have what he earns. I think the grading of that rail- road will give profitable business to many of our people. Again Bro. Watkins gave me an account of some political or Elections matters with you concerning sending the next Delegate to Congress. I want to say concern- ing this matter. It is one of the most delicate things between this church and the Gentiles. There should be no step taken by any of the Saints upon this subject
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
25 [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to John W Irons of Moroni & ^A^ M Tenney upon Election rail road contracts and several subjects I was in council with President Taylor and others It is still vary cold weather I attended Meeting with L W Hardy in the 9 ward on Rail Road & spent the night at at the Grass Lot 6 M[iles]


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May 25, 1880