Day in the Life

Jul 9, 1880

Journal Entry

July 09, 1880 ~ Friday

9 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Thomas Bullock about the pioneer
flag I also wrote to Daniel Tyler I spent the day writing History


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Letter to Thomas Bullock, 9 July 1880
S. L. City Thomas Bullock Dear Brother I write to you on the 1 July concerning the pioneer Banners but got no answer But this morning I learned from a Letter from you to G Godard that you had the one with the Names of the pioneers on I was glad to hear that for we will want to use it on the 24th I did not know how they were got up whether they were private property or not but that makes no Difference I want to get them for the 24. I wish you would manage some way to let me have that several Days before the 24 so we can trim it as it should be cannot you make a visit to Salt Lake some Days before and bring it with you we are expecting to take all the pioneers and Zions Camp in waggons I am riging up a waggon to lead the prosession which will hold some
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
9. [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Thomas Bullock about the pioneer Flags ^[FIGURE]^ I also wrote to Daniel Tyler of Beaver I spent the day writing History

Jul 9, 1880