Day in the Life

Mar 22, 1881

Journal Entry

March 22, 1881 ~ Tuesday

22 We drove to Leeds & spent the night at Br Wilkinson 18 M[iles]


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Telegram from John Taylor, 22 March 1881
45. 30 pm. No 15. Salt Lake Send the following Message, subject to the above terms, which are agreed to. To Prest W. Woodruff (GIVE ADDRESS IN FULL.) Toquerville We desire yourself and brethren of the Twelve to be here as soon after Parowan Confer- ence as possible to consider business preparatory to Conference. Elder Pratt's health improving John Taylor 28 paid 226 B READ THE NOTICE AND AGREEMENT AT THE TOP. No [sideways text] Sent at 5 48 PM., by D to W. V [end of sideways text]
Telegram from John Taylor, 26 March 1881
45:30 PM. No 15. Salt Lake Send the following Message, subject to the above terms, which are agreed to. To Prest W. Woodruff (GIVE ADDRESS IN FULL.) Toquerville We desire yourself and brethren of the Twelve to be here as soon after Parowan Confer- ence as possible to consider bussiness preparatory to Conference—Elder Pratt's health improving. John Taylor 28 paid 226 CB READ THE NOTICE AND AGREEMENT AT THE TOP. Ne [sideways text] Sent at 5:48 PM. by D to W. V [end of sideways text]


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Apostles wash feet against enemies as directed in Wilford's Wilderness Revelation.

Mar 22, 1881