Day in the Life

Apr 23, 1881

Journal Entry

April 23, 1881 ~ Saturday

23. A folded letter/box I returned from the farm spent the forenoon in
Br Taylors office we administered to Sister Jaquish
she fell down & broke her hip bone. The two painters
called upon me we decided to let them paint the
Garden I received a letter from Sarah


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Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1962 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions
Shearer, Vienna Jaques
10 Jun 1787 - 7 Feb 1884


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Letter from John Willard Young, 23 April 1881
Cranes Ranch Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City U. T. Dear Bro. Your letter was handed to me by bro. M. D. Hammond at Albuquerque. To answer it in detail, I will not attempt— to express surprise would not convey my feelings, not to say I am sorrowful—I feel almost crushed beneath such a blow. The memorandum refered to was handed to me by bro. Snow at Albuquerque, Brigham & Jesse N. being far away. If I could have been present when the memorandum was drafted to have offered a few suggestions, I am sure there would have been no misunderstanding. It is imperatively necessary for me to go to Holbrook & pay off & arrange business as best I can, in justice to all concerned. If it were merely a personal consideration I would have left immediately & reported to you, no matter what might have been the business consequences. I feel too badly to write much. I will telegraph immediately to you on my return. The delay in writing was, if possible, to avoid going west & therefore see you the sooner & also because of the sad death of young bro. Jones, the burden of responsibility to prosecute the maurader, resting upon me.


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Apostles wash feet against enemies as directed in Wilford's Wilderness Revelation.

Apr 23, 1881