Day in the Life

Aug 14, 1881

Journal Entry

August 14, 1881 ~ Sunday

14 Sunday Morning I visited the Temple with Mrs W
E Snow Folsome, parry & others it was Beautiful the walls
were up 41 feet from the ground half the distance from the
square the arches were turned over the windows of the second
Story We Met in the Bowry at 10 oclok had a large
congregation Erastus Snow spoke 67 Minutes. we visited
the office at noon and Examined the drafts for the Eating House
& Engine room & were satisfied with them I met in the
afternoon at 2 oclok Sacrament Administered Authorites of

the Church presented and accepted W Woodruff then spoke
one hour and 11 Minutes, read that portion of the celestial
in the vision [Doctrine and Covenants 76:50-70] & the 5 ch of Revelation. we had a good
Meeting at the close of which we rode to Ephraim &
spent the night at Br Kanut Peterson who was vary sick
we laid hands upon him and he was much better 8 M[iles]


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78 mentions
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
702 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Folsom, William Harrison
25 Mar 1815 - 19 Mar 1901


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Discourse 1881-08-14
Apostle Woodruff said, it is im- portant that the Saints should know the position they occupy, and their future destiny. Read from the rev- elation called "The Vision," also the 5th chapter of John's revelations. Said that the Savior while on earth was very poor, as far as the wealth of the world was concerned, as an evidence, when called upon to pay [t]axes, he had to send Peter to catch a fish, from which to obtain the money. No man who ever lived can say he descended lower than the Savior did. Spoke upon the variety that is seen upon the earth and among men, showing that each has his own identity, which he will re- tain to all eternity, and that God in all dispensations has had spirits upon the earth to work with. If the eyes of the Elders were opened they would never set their hearts upon the things of this world. We sh[a]ll build these Temples because God has decreed it. The Savior is watch- ing over us and will continue to do so until his second coming. Go[d] has decreed that Zion shall not be moved out of her place, [Doctrine and Covenants 101:17] but if we transgress we shall be chastised. Wished to say to the young it is their duty to get married, but not to get themselves into a condition to be obliged to marry or they would reap sorrow. The spirits that have been reserved will be born in spite of all the laws to the contrary. Said that Zion would never go backward, and the curse of God would rest upon those who apostatize after having partaken of the blessings promised. Those of the daughters of Zion who have been legally married have a right to bear the souls of men, and though they know it not, many of the rising generation will never taste death, but will be changed in a moment. It will require great faith to stand in the midst of the judg- ments of God.


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Aug 14, 1881