Day in the Life

Aug 24, 1881

Journal Entry

August 24, 1881 ~ Wednesday

24 It is quite a sick time in this city a good many death
among children Br Wm ^J^ Player called upon me to preach
the funeral sermon of a a Daughter 10 years of age But ceircu
mstances would not permit me to go I spent the forenoon
preparing to go away. We took cars at 2 oclock and rode
to Lehi and attended Meeting at 4 oclok John Taylor spoke
27 M[inutes]. W Woodruff spoke 24 M. G. Q. Cannon spoke 30 M
At the close of the Meeting we rode to Alpine a Beautiful villag
in the gorge of the Mountain we took supper at Br
Mc Cough Colough's the Bishop I spent the night with him 30 M[iles]


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Aug 24, 1881