Day in the Life

Aug 27, 1881

Journal Entry

August 27, 1881 ~ Saturday

Aug 27, 1881
I am better to day we met in a Bowery for a 2 days
conference JDavid John Prayed The Statistics was then red
Utah Stake officers & Members 10859, children under 8
4664. Total of Souls 155521 A O Smoot spoke 15 M[inutes],
W Woodruff 18 M, Br Snell 10 M G Q Cannon 20 M


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
583 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
John, David
47 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions

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Discourse 1881-08-27
PRESIDENT W. WOODRUFF re- ferred to the present prosperous cir- cumstances of the people, as com- pared with those which surrounded them immediately after the settle- ment of these valleys. He observed with interest and satisfaction the in- crease of the population and settle- ments throughout the Territory. Zion was being rapidly built up. It should be remembered however that the angels and our dead are watching us and our labors. The speaker had a great anxiety to see the Latter-day Saints manifest to their works a de- sire to build up the Kingdom of God in view of fulfilling all that had been spoken and written to reference to the redemption of the living and the dead. He referred to the progress being made in the building of the Salt Lake temple, and observed that it would, at the rate of progress now being made, be three years yet be- fore the walls were built to the square. It should be remembered, he said, by the Saints that their ob- ject in coming here was not to make themselves rich in the things of the world, but to build up the Lord's Kingdom. He admonished all to obey the commandments of God, and then we shall satisfy ourselves, our Father in Heaven, and our friends in the spirit world with the work we have performed on the earth. The speaker prayed that the spirit of the Lord might rest upon the congregations assembled during this Conference, so that the servants of the Lord would be able to profitably instruct those who came to hear.


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Aug 27, 1881