Sunday Afternoon, October
23, 1881.
THERE being a little time left us
this afternoon, I feel disposed to
make a few remarks to those who
are present. There is one principle
which has been universally acknow-
ledged by the Latter-day Saints, by
Joseph Smith, Brigham Young,
John Taylor, the Apostles and all
the leading men of the Church: I
have heard "Joseph Smith and
Brigham Young say that if they
had the power over the whole
world, over every human being who
breathes the breath of life, they
would give every inhabitant of the
earth the right to worship God ac-
cording to the dictates of their own
conscience. This is a principle
which we believe in as Latter-day
Saints, we ever have believed in it,
and it is a principle which even the
laws of our country, the constitution
of our government holds out to all
of its citizens. What! would you
give the Methodist, the Baptists,
etc., the privilege of enjoying their
religion? Certainly." Our city
abounds with churches of different
denominations. Have they ever
been opposed by anybody belonging
to this Church in the erection of
their churches and in the enjoyment
of their religion? I think not. If
they have, they should not have
been. Why would you do this? Be-
cause the God of heaven gives all
His children this right and privi-
lege, it belongs to the whole human
family, every man, woman and
child under heaven has the right to
worship God according to his desires,
according to his own views, and ac-
cording to the light which he has.
The Lord gives all the children of
men this right and privilege. He
gives them their agency and holds
them responsible for their actions,
and while the Lord does this, why
should the children of men inter-
fere? Why those scenes of blood
that have taken place on the earth
through religious principles? They
are unrighteous. As Latter-day
Saints we claim the same right that
we would give to the inhabitants of
all the world. We say to all men,
"Enjoy your religion, worship God
according to the dictates of your
own conscience." We ask the same
right as the children of God. We
claim this by the Constitution and
laws of our country, and upon this
principle we have embraced the
fulness of the everlasting gospel of
Jesus Christ.
The Lord has sent forth angels
out of heaven. He has delivered
the fulness of the gospel to Joseph
Smith. He was raised up as a Pro-
phet of God, by the power of God,
to lay the foundation of this Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
on the earth, and to lay the foun-
dation of that kingdom which the
Prophet Daniel and the other Pro-
phets spoke of, and to build up that
Zion which Isaiah, Jeremiah and
Ezekiel said should be built up in
the latter days. [Daniel 2:26-47] [Isaiah 60:14] [Jeremiah 31:6] [Ezekiel 36-37] We believe this
with every sentiment of our hearts.
Now in reading the publications of
the day I find there are many men
in our country that seem to be filled
with great anger against the Lat-
ter-day Saints, and they belch forth
their wrath and indignation and
animus against us, because we dif-
fer from them in some principles
pertaining to the Gospel of Christ.
Now, here is one principle that I
wish to impress upon the minds of
every Saint of God who dwells upon
the earth—and I want our reporters
to write it down—I want to impress
it upon the rulers of our nation and
upon all the inhabitants of this na-
tion and every other nation, name-
ly, that the love of God, faith, hope
and charity, and the gospel of Jesus
Christ with all the ordinances
thereof, with the Holy Priesthood,
which has power both in heaven and
on the earth, and the principles
which have been revealed for the
salvation and exaltation of the
children of men—that these are
principles you cannot annihilate.
They are principles that no combi-
oation of men can destroy. They
are principles that can never die.
Prisons cannot confine them; fire
cannot burn them; the sea cannot
drown them; no storm can wreck
them; no gulf can swallow them up;
no grave can entomb them, because
they are eternal and will endure for
ever. They are beyond the reach of
man to handle or to destroy. You
may put men in prison and abuse
them; you may burn men at the
stake; you may drive men from
their homes who advocate these
principles; but it is not in the power
of the whole world put together to
destroy those principles, they are as
firm and independent, as far as the
agency of man is concerned, as the
pillars of heaven or the throne of
God. I want the inhabitants of the
earth to hear these things and re-
member them. The inhabitants of
the earth have tried for generations
to destroy these principles. Yet it
matters not what may take place on
the earth. Republics may be de-
stroyed, kingdoms overthrown, em-
pires broken up, thrones cast down,
the sun may be turned to darkness,
the moon to blood, the stars may
fall from heaven, and heaven and
earth itself may pass away, but not
one jot or title of these principles
will ever be destroyed. [Matthew 5:18] I would to
God the world could understand
this. It would have been a blessing
for them if the Jews could have un-
derstood it before they put to death
the Lord Jesus Christ. When
Jesus Christ came to the Jews He
brought the everlasting Gospel. He
was of the tribe of Judah himself.
He came to His own father's house;
He offered them life and salvation;
yet He was the most unpopular man
in all Judah. The High Priests,
the Saducees, the sectarians of the
day, were the strongest enemies He
had on earth. No matter what he
did it was imputed to an evil source.
When he cast out devils it was im-
puted to the power of Belzebub, the
prince of devils. When He opened
the eyes of the blind they said:
"Give God the praise: we know
that his man is a sinner." [John 9:24] This
unpopularity followed the Lord
Jesus Christ to the cross where He
gave up the ghost. Now, the in-
habitants of Judah had an idea that
if they could only put to death the
Messiah that that would end His
mission and work on the earth.
Vain hope of that generation as
well as this. When they led Jesus to
the cross the very moment that
spirit departed from that sorrowful
tabernacle it held the keys of the
kingdom of God in all of its
strength and power and
glory the same as He had
done while in the body. And
while the body lay in the tomb,
Jesus of Nazareth went and preach-
ed to the spirits in prison, and when
His mission was ended there His
spirit returned again to His taber-
nacle. [1 Peter 3:19] Did the Jews kill the prin-
ciples He taught? No. He burst
the bonds of death, He conquered
the tomb, and came forth with an
immortal body filled with glory and
eternal life, holding all the powers
and keys He held while in the flesh.
Having appeared to some of the
holy women and the apostles, He
then went and administered to the
Nephites upon this continent, and
from here He went to the ten tribes
of Israel and delivered to them the
gospel and when they return they
will bring the history of the dealings
of Jesus of Nazareth with them,
while in His immortal body. [3 Nephi 11] The
same unpopularity followed the
twelve Apostles. Some of them were
sawn asunder, others were beheaded,
crucified, etc. But did the Jews
destroy the principles they taught?
Did they destroy the keys of the
kingdom of God? No, verily no.
They had no power over these
things any more than they had pow-
er over the throne of God or God
Himself. These men when the
spirit left their body returned hold-
ing the keys of the kingdom of God
into the presence of God.
I will here say in passing that
there is one principle that it would
have been well if the Jews had un-
derstood, it would be well if all the
inhabitants of the earth understood
it, and that is, that it costs some-
thing to shed the blood of the Lord's
anointed, to shed the blood of Pro-
phets and Apostles and righteous
men, to fight against God, against
His Christ, and against His work,
when these Jews cried out, "Cruci-
fy Him, crucify Him" and a Gen-
tile judge had declared He could
find no fault in Him, still they were
ready to say—"All right, you
let his His blood be upon us and our
children." [Luke 23:21] [Matthew 27:22-25] In this the Almighty
took them at their word. The Jews
have been trampled under the feet
of the Gentiles for 1800 years, in ful-
filment of that declaration. The
yoke is not even broken to-day. In
the eastern world, in Russia, and
in all the nations of the
earth more or less they are
trampled under the feet of the
Gentiles. Tens of thousands have
been put to death. Nero put to
death many, as also did other men in
their day and time. Hence you see
it has cost the Jews something for
the putting to death of the Lord's
Now, I want to say something
with regard to the dispensation in
which we live. The God of heaven
has set His hand to fulfil the vo-
lume of revelation which the Bible
contains, to build up that kingdom
that Daniel the prophet saw in the
interpretation of the dream of Nebu-
chadnezzar. The God of heaven has
sent forth that angel which John
the Revelator saw "fly in the midst
of heaven having the everlasting
Gospel to preach to them that dwell
on the earth, and to every nation,
and kindred, and tongue, and peo-
ple, saying with a loud voice, Fear
God and give glory to Him, for the
hour of His judgment is come." [Revelation 14:6-7]
That angel has delivered the Gospel
to Joseph Smith, and I know it. I
bear my record and testimony to
this truth. It is the truth of the
living God. He has set His hand,
as I have said, to build up this king,
dom. Isaiah has written its history.
Look at these valleys of the moun-
tains. I came here on the 24th of
July, 1847. What did I find? A
barren desert, as barren as
the desert of Sahara. There was no
mark of the white man. It did not
look as if any white man could live
here at all. How is it to-day? Tra-
vel through the length and breadth
of this Territory and behold the
cities, towns, villages, gardens, or-
chards, fields, and crops that cover
this once barren desert. What does
it mean? It means that God Al-
mighty is carrying out His purposes,
it means that He has brought to
His remembrance what His pro-
phets and apostles have spoken; and
all things shall be fulfilled to the
very letter, even to the winding-up
scene. From whence has come this
congregation; from whence have
come the Saints gathered together
throughout these mountains of Is-
rael? They have been gathered
from every nation as far as the Gos
pel has been preached. We have
been gathered together by the pow-
er of the Gospel. Yet, as I have re-
marked many times in my public
discourses, if we had preached
until we were as old as Methuselah,
we could never have got men and
women to leave their homes if they
had not been moved upon by the
Holy Ghost. The Elders of Israel
preached the Gospel unto them and
promised them in the name of Jesus
Christ that if they would receive
this gospel they would receive the
Holy Ghost. Is there a man on the
face of God's footstool to-day that
would dare make such a promise as
that unless he were backed up by
the power of God? No, not one. If
the Elders of Israel had been impos-
tors, deceivers, they would have
been very soon found out; but the
God of Israel has backed up their
testimony, and it is on this princi
ple that these valleys are filling with
the people of God to-day.
Now, I want to say that the same
principles which existed in the days
of Jesus and His Apostles exist to-
day. There is a spirit of oppression,
opposition, and persecution against
the Latter-day Saints, because they
differ from the world in their princi-
ples of religion. Jesus, however,
said in his day: "If the world hate
you, ye know that it hated me be-
fore it hated you." If ye were of the
world, the world would love its own;
but because ye are not of the world,
but I have chosen you out of the
world, therefore the world hateth
you. [John 15:18-19] What is the cause of this
hatred? It is because we declare the
Gospel of Christ; it is because we
believe in Prophets, Apostles, and
the gifts and graces of the Gospel; it
is because we preach faith, repent-
ence, baptism for the remission of
sins, the reception of the Holy Ghost
by the laying on of hands; it is be-
cause the church is organized with
Prophets, Apostles, Priests, Teach-
er, Deacons, etc., according to the
ancient order of things. This does
not agree with the feelings of the
sectarian world, therefore they are
opposed to us. "But," says one, "it
is your polygamy that has created
so much trouble with you 'Mor-
mons.'" Oh, indeed, is it? I will
ask, where was polygamy when we
were driven from Kirtland and Far
West, from Jackson, Van Buren,
Clay and Davis Counties, Mo., from
Nauvoo, etc., to other places, men
and women put to death, houses
burned, etc.? We suffered more per-
secution then than we have ever
suffered, ten times over, since poly-
gamy was revealed and advocated by
the Elders of Israel. What was the
matter then? "Oh, you believe in
revelation, you believe in prophets
and apostles. We cannot stand this
you have got to give up that belief,
and if you don't we will destroy you,
put you to death, etc." The feeling
among the people of the United
Stetes then was that if they could
only put to death the leaders of the
Church, that that would be the end
of "Mormonism." So they thought
in putting to death Jesus of Nazar-
eth, that that would be the end of
His teachings in that land. But lo
and behold! when they put to death
Joseph and Hyrum they did not kill
"Mormonism," they did not kill
faith in God, they did not kill hope
and charity, they did not do away
with the ordinances of the house of
God, nor the power of the Holy
Priesthood. The God of heaven had
ordained these things; He had or-
dained men under the hands of
Peter, James and John, who held
the keys of the kingdom of God in
the eternal worlds, and that Priest-
hood and the keys thereof was to re
main on the earth forever. It is
beyond the power of man to destroy
it. I want the Latter-day Saints to
understand this: "Fear not them,"
said the Savior "which kill the body,
but are not able to destroy the soul;
but rather fear him which is able to
destroy both soul and body in hell." [Matthew 10:28]
The purposes of the Lord must be
fulfilled. There is not one jot or
tittle of the Old Book that the sec-
tarian world believe in but will be
fulfilled. The same with regard to
the Book of Mormon and Doctrine
and Covenants. The opposition of
the world cannot stay the progress
of this work. Some men are trying
to do so all the time. I dislike to
refer to individuals, but I have read
lately of a Mr. Talmage, who seems
to be in a terrible torment about the
"Mormons," and is forever pouring
out his wrath and indignation
against them. Now, I just want to
say that if we had a thousand mil-
lion Talmage's, and they were to
spend every breath they had they
could no more stay the hand of the
Almighty in the rolling forth of
this work than they could stop the
wind from blowing. Why? Be-
cause God Almighty holds in His
hands the destiny of this people,
and of all nations, and this genera-
tion will yet realize that it is a fearful
thing to fall into the hands of the
living God. [Hebrews 10:31] "No weapon that is
formed against thee shall prosper,
and every tongue that shall rise
against the in judgment thou shalt
condemn," saith Isaiah, and I know
he was a prophet. [Isaiah 54:17]
Now, so far as I am concerned, I
want to say to my friends, and to
all peoples, I have no fears with re-
gard to the kingdom of God; I have
no fears with regard to Zion; I have
no fears with regard to the Church
of Jesus Christ of Datter day
Saints, it is in the hands of the Al-
mighty, and all that He hath said
with regard to its work in the latter-
days will come to pass in spite of
earth and hell combined. I want
the world to understand this. These
are eternal truths. The principles
will live when our nation is broken
to pieces and wasted away, and
when we ourselves have passed
away to the spirit world. There is
no power beneath the heavens that
can hinder, stop or destroy the pro-
gress of truth and the decrees of
Almighty God. I want to have the
Latter-day Saints understand these
things. We are in the hands of
God. This is a very different gene-
ration from any other. It is a gene
ration when the Lord has decreed—
and that, too, before the world was
made—that in the last days the God
of heaven shall set up a kingdom
which shall never be destroyed nor
given to other people; [Daniel 2:44] the little stone
cut out of the mountains without
hands shall become a great moun-
tain and fill the whole earth. These
are the declarations of the Lord
I will now refer to another princi-
ple. I am an American citizen; a
great many of this people are, I
hope most are. I was born in the
State of Connecticut, and many of
the New England forms and teach-
ings in our childhood, 65 years ago,
were good to receive and live by.
But what I want to say is: We live
in a government raised up by the
God of heaven. We have a consti-
tution that was given by inspiration
from God to man. I believe it is the
best human form of government
that was ever given to the human
family. Now, I say if our rulers
and governors become corrupt and
attempt to trample those principles
under their feet; though the nation
itself might go to piecas, yet it is be
yond the power of man to destroy
the principles of the constitution.
They may destroy one another, yet
the principles contained in that in-
strument will live, and the God of
heaven will maintain them until
Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of
heaven to set up His throne in Je-
rusalem and to reign on the earth a
thousand years.
I felt that I would like to say so
much. I want my brethren and
sisters to understand these matters.
We should live our religion. I have
no fears with regard to the King-
dom of God. We may have fears in
regard to ourselves. This man may
apostatize, the other may apostatize,
John Taylor, myself or anybody
else may die, but it will make no dif-
ference with regard to this work.
Isrsel will never be without a law-
giver. Zion will become all that
Israel saw it, in its beauty, power
and glory in the earth. I wanted to
say so mch to strangers here as well
as Latter-day Saints. We believe
in these principles with every senti-
ment of our soul. We expect to live
them, we are ready to die for them,
but they will never be destroyed.
We may go to prison, we may suffer
all manner of persecution, but the
principles we advocate will remain
forever. When Joseph Smith's
body was laid in the grave, his
spirit, like unto the Son of God, went
into the spirit world with the keys
of this dispensation to unlock the
prison doors. There were fifty thou-
sand million of spirits that never
saw the face of a Prophet, or heard
a gospel sermon in their
lives until Joseph Smith preached
to them the message of salvation.
Those people in the spirit-world
have got to have equal rights in the
Gospel disdensation with those on
the earth. That is the reason why
Jesus went to preach to the spirits
in prison. Joseph Smith will hold
the keys of this dispensation
throughout the countless ages of
eternity, as Peter, James and John
will hold theirs. He (Joseph Smith)
will come forth in the morning of
the first resurrection, and will rise
up in judgment against this genera-
tion. He sealed his testimony with
his blood. That testimony is in
force upon all the world from the
hour of his death. These are eter-
nal truths. I hate to see any na-
tion, I hate to see our own govern-
ment, I hate to see the clergy of the
day rise up in anger against these
Latter-day Saints because they dif-
fer from them in principles of reli-
gion. We know for ourselves this
Gospel is true. We know it has
been given unto us by the revelation
of God. We know it will stand. The
power of God will be made manifest.
These valleys will be filled with
Latter-day Saints. We will grow
and increase until the coming of the
Son of Man. Whatever men may
do, as I have said before, they are in
the hands of God.
I pray God, my Heavenly Father,
that He may instil these principles
in your hearts, that they may ac-
complish the mission for which
they have been sent. Even so,