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Day in the Life

Jun 19, 1882

Journal Entry

June 19, 1882 ~ Monday

19 I was visited this Morning By Gen Gibson from Ohio


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Letter to Lucy Emily Woodruff, 19 June 1882
St George Miss Lucy E. Woodruff My Dear Grand Daughter Your letters of June 14 arived last night to me in the Temple I am vary much pleased with your letter, Esspecially with the writing One of the best accomplishments of a young Lady or Gentlemen is to able to write a good plain Round intelligent hand yours is vary good indeed but to scribble as I do it wants a translator. There is is few men living who have spoiled more paper than I have I write to much, to fast, & scribble to hard to write Well your writigng is quite good Enough for the Historian's Office but when I promised you I would take you there to help me I did not know that I would be deprived of the privilege of Going there myself. whenever

Jun 19, 1882