Day in the Life

Jul 6, 1882

Journal Entry

July 06, 1882 ~ Thursday

6 I was quite unwell through the day I visited Br L J Nuttall
in the Evening and found him quite feeble, had been sick
near a week I spent the forenoon on Auditing business


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905

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Letter from John Daniel Thompson McAllister and James Godson Bleak, 6 July 1882
St George, Utah, . To President John Taylor and President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dearly Beloved Brethren, On Friday 30th June the St George Temple closed for renovation as per your announcement to the public in the "Deseret News." Our companies in the Temple have kept up remarkably well. The following is a list of our half year's work ending 30th June 1882:- Baptism for health 172; For Renewal of Covenants, 43; For the Dead 18,773. Endowments Living: 228, Dead 6,224; Ordi- nations Elders Living, 40 Dead 2317; Seal- ings: Living 108, Dead 2,030; Sealing of Children to Parents: Living 195, Dead 258; Adoptions: Living 35, Dead 390; Second Anointings: Living 65, Dead 70. The Grand totals of work attended to in the Temple from 9th January 1877 to the 30th June 1882 are as follows: Baptisms 148,315; Endowments 64,388;
Letter from James Godson Bleak, 6 July 1882
To President Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother I have just received Bro David Milne's estimate of Painting Material required for Temple Tower. I send it at once so that if the Nails and Bolt Iron has not been sent to Milford, all may be sent together. 250# White Lead. Best, 15 Gal Raw Linseed Oil 5 [Gal] Boiled [Linseed] [Oil] 5 [Gal] Turps 1 [Gal] Varnish 20# Whiting 4 7, "0" Brushes Half Dozen Sash Tools Yours very respectfully James G. Bleak.

Jul 6, 1882