Day in the Life

Jul 8, 1882

Journal Entry

July 08, 1882 ~ Saturday

July 8, 1882
Keys crossed A crown I had an interview this morning with President Taylor
Br Hill Accompanied by the Indian Joseph and
Sapavona the chief of the Ute Nation and successor of
Ouray. He had his two sons with him all three had been
Baptized of Late and they had come down to have a talk with
President Taylor The Indian Joseph while coming down
the canyon in the night turned over the waggon and fell on
top of Sapavona and hurt his face vary much much They
had a plesant talk together and President Taylor gave them
vary good council


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Chief Joseph
1 mention
Native American
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1964 mentions
1 mention
Native American
1 mention
Native American

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Letter from James Godson Bleak, 8 July 1882
St. George, . To President Woodruff. Salt Lake City. My dear Brother, Your good letter of 4th inst. was received the night before last. Enclosure for Prest. McAllister handed to him yes- terday morning, and mine handed to him to read. We both felt pleased to hear from you and because of your multiplicity of duties and responsibilities feel grateful for your attention in corresponding with us. Brother McAllister wrote to you yesterday. Perhaps he has said sufficient relative to our having material on hand. I am sorry that inuendoes are cast upon our course and doings, as though we were inattentive

Jul 8, 1882