Day in the Life

Jul 29, 1882

Journal Entry

July 29, 1882 ~ Saturday

^ An arrow 29.^ I went to the office in the Morning but was sick I drank
some cold water which mad me vary sick I spent most of the day in bed


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Letter from Erastus Snow, 29 July 1882
Gentile valley Idaho Elders Woodruff, Richards, and others of the committee considering the subject of Titles to church property. As I find it a little uncertain whether I shall be able to get back to committee meeting on Tuesday as I intended, I beg to offer a few of my reflections upon the subject of our church estates. 1st I will say that the former arrangements of circutitous titles, through several individuals, was never in my Judgement a very wise & safe arrangement and has I fear in to many instances been poorly carried out and is unsatisfactory to those persons whose names are used in covering real estate. and if the courts should investigate these affairs they would be liable to be declared fraudulent and void and involve many in difficulties. 2nd In view of the many difficulties surrounding the whole questions, I am in favour of the Trustee selling all real estate, not essential to Legitimate ecclesisstical administration, such as church farms and rented town property, turning it into pursonal

Jul 29, 1882