Day in the Life

Aug 14, 1882

Journal Entry

August 14, 1882 ~ Monday

14 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I receeived a letter from J. G. Bleak I wrote one
Letter to John Morgan It was Decided to day to Employ
the firm of Harkness & Co to defend the County Court before
the Utah Courts A humanoid


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Letter to John Morgan, 14 August 1882
Salt Lake City, . Dear Brother Morgan—Your letter of July 19 arrived in good time, but I have delayed answering until I could get Presi- dent Taylor's views upon the subject of your release. The letter was read to him on the 12th, and I got his views today from Brother Nuttall. President Taylor thinks that it would be well for you to tarry until fall, until the emigration is over for this season, and then for you to set in order the church there and appoint a good trusty man to take charge, and for you then to come home and take a rest, and then we could talk over about the future. I am thankful to see such a good progress of the work of God under your adminis- tration. Brother Cowley arrived home all safe, but had his big toe nail

Aug 14, 1882