Day in the Life

Nov 28, 1882

Journal Entry

November 28, 1882 ~ Tuesday

28 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received a letter from Henry Palmer & wrote
Letters to Nancy A Clark, Lot Smith & Ezra Clarkarter


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Carter, Ezra (Jr.)
29 Apr 1804 - 11 May 1887
176 mentions
Palmer, Henry
14 Jun 1818 - 24 Nov 1891
5 mentions
1840 British Convert
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions

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Letter to Lot Smith, 28 November 1882
Salt Lake City, . President Lot Smith. Dear Brother—I received your letter of Nov. 15, and in reading it I would judge that you had not received the letter I wrote you Nov. 10. You did not say that you had received it. I stated plainly in that letter in a private note that I did not believe the reports given about you. It is true, you cannot hin- der people talking, any more than I can, and I do not care what people say against me, if they do not tell the truth. I could tell my enemies a great many failings I have that they do not know anything about, but I do not feel disposed to tell them. They may lie about me as much as they please, and I suppose they will do the same by you. I probably did not explain myself clearly when I said that I did not want any more of the stories to come to Brother Taylor. I have always held up to all men what you had done for years in the support of the Saints
Letter from Christian Lingo Christianson, 28 November 1882
Sunset, Apache Co., Arizona, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother—Having permission from Pres- ident Lot Smith, I inclose in his letter to you a few lines which I am here at the quarterly Stake Conference, which closed yesterday. We had an exceeding good time, good instruction, and a good time prevailed. The Lamanites is what I desire to write you about, as I know that will interest you. We, the brethren of Moenkopi, baptized 27 in the last three months of the Piute branch tribe in the northern boun- daries of this territory, and the administering of that ordinance of the Gospel has been attend- ed with uncommon good result and a better understanding, as holy messengers, as we have good reason to believe, have administered to one of them, a lame man, a most peculiar man, which would indicate that God takes of the weak things to do his great pleasure, etc. The admi- nistration is something after this manner —two or more persons appeared to him,

Nov 28, 1882