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Day in the Life

Dec 14, 1882

Journal Entry

December 14, 1882 ~ Thursday

14 [FIGURES] I received 3 letter from Lot Smith and Charles
Allen Foster
the following is an extract from Br Fosters letter
We had a vary interesting report from Br C L Christiansen
about the spirit that is working among the Lamanites of Late He
said there was one of the Lamanites that had been visited four
different times. And the Messengers gave him much valuable
instruction, and told him that the Mormons were their true friends
and that they must listen to their teachings for they were their
Brethren and would do them good and tell them what to do
That they had the History of your fathers forefathers. On one
occasion he was shown a large pile of Records and it was
told him to chuse one Book. He told the Messenger He could
not read but reached over and took one Book, and said He
would chuse that one, the Messenger said that was ^the^ right
one for that was the one that the record of their forefathers
that the Mormons had. At another time He was shown the
Indians & the Mormons and the Devil between them
like a great Big Ox or Bull. He was hoofing pawing and
Bellowing trying to keep the Mormons from the Indians, but
he could not do it, for he saw the Mormons and Indians all
together and all living as one people, he also saw them rise
above their Enemies. It is plain to be seen that there is a good
spirit at work with the Lamanites for when they come around
they show it and it is growing in them. They sawy that they
know that there is a Better spirit with the Mormons than

with the Americans. They say they do not hear the Mormons
sware, and get Drunk and fight and abuse them as the Americans
do there is a good Many more of them visiting us than usual

[FIGURES] I dedicated the Prayer Circle room at Kayesvill
on Sunday Dec 10.

14 [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to Bishop Farrill, Sarah, Bleak, & spent
most of the day in writing I met a party at Nicholas
his son Maried Josephine Pettit I had a good
deal of conversation with Br Wm Jennings & Br LGroesbeck


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

11 mentions
121 mentions
Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
448 mentions
2 mentions
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
351 mentions
6 mentions
2 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
694 mentions
Jennings, William
13 Sep 1823 - 4 Jan 1886
39 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day.

Dec 14, 1882