Letter to George Quayle Cannon, 6 February 1883
Salt Lake City, .
Dear Brother Cannon.
I have felt for a long time that I ought
to write to you, and still I hardly felt that I had
any news of importance to communicate, except
what you get from the President's Office and the
"News." But the same anxiety that formerly
rested upon us concerning your labors while in
Washington has not diminished since you went
there this time. I listened with much
interest this morning to the reading of your
letter to President Taylor, concerning the plea
of yourself, Brother Caine, and Judge Black
before the House Judiciary committee and
the uphill work Van Zile meets with in trying
to carry out his hellish plan to rob the Saints of
their civil and political rights. You and
those associated with you in Washington still
have the prayers of all Israel that dwells in
these mountains for your success, and,
which is better than all the rest, we know
that God and the justified spirits made