Day in the Life

Mar 14, 1883

Journal Entry

March 14, 1883 ~ Wednesday

14 [FIGURE 1] I wrote 2 letters to Orvill E Bates and Jesse N. Smith
I attended council in the Afternoon I wrote to L Harris copy in Book


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Smith, Jesse Nathaniel
2 Dec 1834 - 5 Jun 1906
146 mentions
48 mentions
19 mentions

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Letter to Llewellyn Harris, 14 March 1883
Salt Lake City, . Elder L. Harris. Dear Brother—Your letter of March 5, arrived yes- terday. Brother McDonald's letter arrived at the same time. I also received your letter of Feby. 21, and Brother Jesse N. Smith's of Feby. 28, both of which have been read to President Taylor. Our views are that it would be best for you to settle with the Mohaves, with those brethren who are appoin- ted to go with you, and, after you get settled, if you are needed to go to Forest Dale to visit and counsel the Indians there, or any where else, you can go and do so, but you should manage so as to get some crops in with the Mohaves, so that you all can have something to eat. Of course we do not expect the brethren to speculate out of the Lamanites, but to labor for their interest and to help them, but at the same time you will have to have a living with them. What Brother McDonald says is that Brother Jones has sent word to the surrounding tribes that the Mormons will take away their lands from them, if they live with them. That is what he has done himself, but you should show by your example that you do not go among them to rob
Letter to Alexander Findlay MacDonald, 14 March 1883
Salt Lake City, . Elder A. F. McDonald. Dear Brother—Your letter of March 5, also Brother Harris's letter of same date, arrived yesterday, which I have carefully read and have taken them over to be read to the President, Bro. Taylor. In reply to your letter I would say that I am pleased that you have been able to get some brethren so readily to go with Brother Harris. With regard to Brother Harris's financial ability, I am not much acquainted with it. I expect you will have to give him some counsel with regard to his temporal arrangements in settling with the Mohaves. I think that mission comes under your jurisdiction. I received a letter that Sister Harris wrote to Brother Harris, stating that she and her children were sick and entirely destitute of food and clothing, and I think they are at Escalante, Garfield County, Utah, in Panguitch Stake. Of course his wife will need some help, but it seems to me that she and her family should be settled with him. The brethren should be counseled, in settling with the Lamanites, to labor to benefit them, and not to speculate out of them. Of course these missionaries will have to live, as well as the others. Now concerning Brother Jones, Brother Thatcher was present and heard your letter read, and

Mar 14, 1883