Day in the Life

Apr 20, 1883

Journal Entry

April 20, 1883 ~ Friday

20 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^4^ Letters to A F McDonald, A. Hinkley
L Harris B. F. Johnson sent McDonald order of $276.43


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Hinckley, Arza Erastus
15 Aug 1826 - 18 Feb 1901
Johnson, Benjamin Franklin
28 Jul 1818 - 18 Nov 1905

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Letter to Alexander Findlay MacDonald, 20 April 1883
Salt Lake City, . Elder A. F. McDonald. Dear Brother—Your letter of March 31 arrived in good time, but it has been in President Taylor's office a week, with other documets for him to read, yet through the multiplicity of business he was not able to attend to it until yesterday. I also read a long letter from Arza Hinckley, containing 25 pages, all the testimony at the trial of Dan. W. Jones, all the testi- mony against him, etc. When he found that there was a power in the Church that could reach him, he came to and made his confession, and he wrote a strong confession to President Taylor. I hope he will remember this and keep humble, and, if he does anything in the Church, that he will do right and not defraud the Indians or white men, either Saints or Gentiles. You will find inclosed in this letter an order to cover the amount that you gave Brother Har- ris to fit him out. I sent him a letter, and directed it, as he told me, to Fort Mohave, Mohave Co., Arizona. After it was gone three weeks, it was sent back to me. There is either no post office there, or he did not call for the letter. I will send it again to you in an open envelop. I wish you to read it and then seal it up and send it to him if you know where it can reach him. I will also write to Arza Hinckley, which I wish you to read and then send to him. I do not know where to reach him. I think it would be well for Brother Harris to have his wife and family with him, to take care of and see to them. I am

Apr 20, 1883