Day in the Life

May 2, 1883

Journal Entry

May 02, 1883 ~ Wednesday

2 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Bishop Farrell & Gravenson A rain
& snow storm I spent the day in the office


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Letter to John Taylor, George Quayle Cannon, and Joseph Fielding Smith, 2 May 1883
Salt Lake City, U. T. President John Taylor and Counselors George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith. Beloved Brethren: At a meeting of the Council of the Twelve Apostles, at which eight of the Council and Counselor Wells were present, it was unanimously voted: That we recommend to the First Presidency the importance of translating and publishing a stereotyped edition of the Book of Mormon in the Spanish language; that Brother Moses Thatcher be recommended to you as a suitable person to supervise the translation, stereotyping and printing of it, with the privilege of calling to his aid such help as he may need. Also, that we ask the Trustee in Trust to appropriate sufficient of the Church funds to accomplish the above- mentioned publication. In the estimation of this Council the Book

May 2, 1883