Day in the Life

May 22, 1883

Journal Entry

May 22, 1883 ~ Tuesday

May 22, 1883

A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 6 Letters from Gifford, Farnsworth, Tenney,
McDonald, ^&^ Neilson I spent the day in the office writing
I wrote 6 letters 2 to McDonald, A M Tenney, P W
Nelson, Gifford, to Huffaker An arrow The Church
Empire Mill Burned down this Afternoon with 3000
Bushels of wheat. It stood up City Creek it is reported
that the loss to the Church was $23000 & about $5000 dollars
to private Individuals as it was said that 5000 Bushels of
wheat belonging to private Individuals was burned


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May 22, 1883