Day in the Life

Oct 14, 1883

Journal Entry

October 14, 1883 ~ Sunday

14 Sunday I rode to Logan with Bishop Farrill to attend
the conference of the Young Mens Mutual Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By C O Card speeches were made by several
young men M. Thatcher spoke 25 M[inutes] W Woodruff 20 m[inutes]
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Hyde several Young Men
bore testimony followed By Wm Budge W Woodruff &
Wm B Preston we adjourned the conference for 3 Months
At Noon I went all through the Temple & took my
Daughter Clara with me. we rode home at the close
of the Meeting. I held a Meeting in the Evening at Smithfield
spoke to a full House I administered to 2 sick 14 Miles


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Card, Charles Ora
5 Nov 1839 - 9 Sep 1906
268 mentions
Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
418 mentions
200 mentions
445 mentions
Preston, William Bowker
24 Nov 1830 - 2 Aug 1908
226 mentions
Hyde, William
11 Sep 1818 - 2 Mar 1874
14 mentions


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Discourse 1883-10-14
APOSTLE WILFORD WOODRUFF When I look at the creations of God I often marvel at the infinite variety which I see therein. This eternal variety was shown among the spirits of men in the eternal world, and there was a gradation of spirits before cre- ation just the same as after the birth of men. The Lord has said he would take of the noble spirits and make rulers in His kingdom. Very few men in any age of the world since the days of Adam, have been willing to receive the word of the Lord and work in harmony with Him. So it is to-day. Out of 11,000,000,000 peo- ple now on the earth only a few have embraced the gospel. The feeling of this generation is, "Give me gold and silver; I do not want the salvation you offer." You are forming your characters. I am forming mine. If I commit sin it must be paid for somewhere, if not in time, then in eternity. The secret acts and thoughts and intents of men are to be revealed by the angels of the Lord. The angels that will reveal these things are the servants and prophets of the Lord who have held the keys of various dispensations of the gos- pel in the different thousand years, since the creation, from the first to the seventh. Joseph Smith was a noble spirit in the presence of God thousands of years before he was born. The Lord has chosen other spirits who are now among the Latter-day Saints who have hearts and souls that are inclined to truth and righteousness. The sisters have just as good a right to smoke, chew, drink and get drunk as the brethren have. But the sis- ters never do these things. We will all have to keep the word of wisdom sooner or later. We are told by rev- elation that all the intelligence and truth we aquire during life will re- main with us in the resurrection. The world is against us. Our own nation is seeking to oppress us, and already a movement is afoot to in- duce the next Congress to pass strin- gent legislation to oppress us. It is our duty to pray daily to the Lord for His power to be exercised in our behalf. I have faith in Zion. I saw it when it was small, and I have seen a little one became a thousand. I have faith our young people. I believe they will keep the Word of Wisdom, and become a righteous na- tion. We are on the verge of great changes. There will be changes in Zion, in Jerusalem, in the United States and in all nations of the world. If our young men want to know what events await this genera- tion, let them read the revelation of St. John. The Lord showed to him many things that will come to pass in this age of the world.
Discourse 1883-10-14
APOSTLE WILFORD WOODRUFF. I am pleased to meet with so many of our young brethren this morning. I read The Preceptor as soon as it was out of the press. None of us are so old that we cannot learn, and I thought that if I had always ob- served the teachings of that little book I would probably have accom- plished a great deal more good in the course of my life than I have. When I first embraced the gospel it seemed to me that I could convert every- body to it, so plain was it to my mind. But I found myself mistaken. I never asked any kind of an office in my life, but I did ask of the Lord the privilege of preaching the gospel Not that I desired thereby to gain the honor of men, nor because I thought it an easy task, but there was a Spirit in me that caused me to desire to preach the truth. If we ever attain to a celestial glory, to an inheritance in the presence and king- dom of God, we must obey the law upon which that blessing is predi- cated. [Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21] We must keep the law of God, or we are not qualified to preach it. I am anxious for the welfare and progress of the work of mutual im- provement. It was instituted for good and has already been the means of accomplishing much good. But I do not think it is yet thoroughtly or- ganized and it is necessary to intro- duce improvements in this respect. A great diversity of opinion exists among the Saints regarding a testi- mony of the gospel. Some think that in order to obtain a testimony, some marvelous manifestation, as for ex- ample, the visitation of an angel is absolutely necessary. But this idea is incorrect. When a person has obeyed the gospel and been baptized, and has received the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, [Articles of Faith 1:4] it is the privilege of that person to enjoy the whispering of that Spirit, which speaks in a still small voice, and it is the privilege of that person to receive a testimony by the inspiration of that Spirit. I have had many marvelous manifestations during my experience in this Church, but I never had so conclusive a tes- timony of the truth of this work as the whisperings of that Spirit. Well may Brother Thatcher say that these associations are not estab- lished to afford amusement to our young people. They were not estab- lished for any such a purpose. They were designed to afford our young people opportunities of gaining a knowledge of the gospel, and to become qualified to bear it to the human family. I have sometimes heard elders re- mark that some other brother had beat them in preaching; or say that they were afraid that someone would beat them in preaching. Such re- marks always strike me very unfa- vorably. I do not like to hear them. I was never afraid that some one else would beat me in preaching, or obtain above me any honor in the things of the Kingdom of God, for I know that any desirable honor I ever obtain must come from God.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford sustained in General Conference as Church Historian and recorder.
Majority of proxy endowments completed for Eminent Men and Women; some proxy sealings also completed.

Oct 14, 1883