Day in the Life

Jan 26, 1884

Journal Entry

January 26, 1884 ~ Saturday

26 I took cars with Mrs Woodruff & rode to Ogden
& to Brigham City to Attend the Quarterly Conference 60 M[iles]
It was vary cold and but few Present The Bishops
Made a verbal report. I stoped with my Daughter
Phebe I dined with her Afternoon Prayer By Bishop Parr
Bishop Still report. Oliver Snow spoke 15 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 45 M[inutes]. I spent the night at Phebes


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Snow, Oliver G.
20 Feb 1849 - 13 Aug 1931
Snow, Phebe Amelia Woodruff
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
346 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1581 mentions


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Letter from Peter L. Sherner, 26 January 1884
Lynne, Weber Co President Willford Woodruf. Dear Brother, Acording to the Instructions given by Prest. John H Smith, I write this to inform you that I have arrieved home from my mission to Denmark, haveing been honorable Reliesed on accounts of poor health. I left Ogden October, 24th 1882, & labord the first 6 months in the state of Min- nesota, to the Best of my abil- ity, when by Permission (& having been set apart for that allso) I went to Denmark laboring as directed by those Over me. for nearly 6 months however, my health was poor nearly all the time I was there, until the Brethren did not
Discourse 1884-01-26
Pres W. Woodruff the reports given by the Bps are in subtstance, like the reports in the vaious stakes of Zion, said reformation should be made by us in the more strict observances of the word of wisdom, and of living more closely to God, and I can say that the spirit of the Lord has commenced to feel after people and that they do observe the word of wisdom now than formerly, to me this is joy, and it means something, last conference the heads of the church and the 12 agreed to keep the word of wisdom, gave an interesting account of his visit south, also in emery county, and Colorado recently made, his remarks were interesting and instructive.
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
$7.70 + .90 = $8.60 Jan 26 [18]84 {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} 10 {shorthand} {shorthand} Bishop Perry Bishops made a verbal report Afternoon {shorthand} Bishop Paar Bishop Still reported Oliver Snow spok 15 M[inutes] W W spok 45 M[inutes]


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Jan 26, 1884