Day in the Life

Aug 16, 1884

Journal Entry

August 16, 1884 ~ Saturday

16 I met in conference at Manti at 10 oclok Prayer
By Wm Paxman. Kanute Peterson spoke 15 w woodruff 30 m
Statistics were then read & showed the following 4 patriarchs
379 seventies, 298 High Priests, 988 Elders, 204 Priests
233 Teachers, 281 Deacons, 5912 Members 8296 officers
& Members, 3468 children under 8 years 116764 Total souls
Wm Paxman spoke 20 M, E Snow 17 M. I stoped with
Brother Folsome. Afternoon Prayer By Wm Alread
John B Maiben spoke 15 M, Henry Beal 29 M.
The Temple reports for last Quarter read. Wm H
Folsome spoke upon the Temple work 30 M w woodruff
spoke 20 M. At the close of the Meeting E Snow and
W Woodruff visited the Patriarch Gardner E Snow
aged 92 He was quite feeble and we laid hands
upon him & Blessed him W Woodruff was mouth
we held an Evening with the Young People Prayer
By John F Alread E Snow spoke 20 M, Wm Paxman
10 M W Woodruff 30 we spoke in great Plainness
& spoke upon wrong doing doing we had a good Meeting


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78 mentions
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
700 mentions
Snow, Gardner
15 Feb 1793 - 17 Nov 1889
Beal, Henry A.
abt. 1835-1911
Folsom, William Harrison
25 Mar 1815 - 19 Mar 1901


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Discourse 1884-08-16
Apostle Woodruff said he was much pleased to meet so many of the Saints in conference. Naturally the people liked to be out taking care of the grain: considered it quite a marvel to see the immense crops of grain and other pro- ducts. But it is right to attend con- ference and all the other duties. God would disapppoint no one in relation to any promise he has made either in relation to famine or other calamity or judgment that has been foretold. He referred to the dis- persion of the Jews and the causes that led thereto; said the like causes were operating in this nation which tramples under foot its own laws in order to persecute the Latter-day Saints. Many had already suffered death, because of their belief in God, under this the most liberal government on earth, while at the same time no such deeds had been enacted under any of the kingly governments of Eu- rope, who made no such pretensions to liberty and freedom. He believed that Utah to-day would have been a wil- derness had it not been for the restora- tion of the Gospel.
Discourse 1884-08-16
Apostle Woodruff said this is a Tem- ple building dispensation. More labor in this respect is required of the Latter- day Saints than has been required of any people since the days of Adam. He dwelt upon the great labors to be performed in the redemption of the dead, reviewed to some extent the labors of President Brigham Young in dedicating this land for the settlements of the Saints, his having dedicated every place in these valleys whereon Temples have been built, or are now in course of erection; gave a brief synopsis of some of the labors in the St. George Tem- ple—a sacred edifice erected, as some of the brethren declared, in a country that stands upon its edge. He related how kindly the Lord had led the Pro- phet along step by step, until the plan for the redemption of the dead was fully revealed. Thought that no doubt there would shortly follow in the tracks of those who had been slain, a set of Elders whom the mob could not very well withstand; who will have control of the elements, and by and by the Savior will come and bind that old serpent, the Devil, and place a seal upon him which will remain a thous- and years, during which time the re- demption of the dead will proceed.

Aug 16, 1884