to Scandinavia, in the Historians Office, Salt Lake City, .
Brother James H. Clinger: In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood I lay may hands upon your head and
ordain you to be a Seventy in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints, and I seal upon you all the power and authority to administer in
all the ordinances of the house of the Lord agreeable unto this office,
as one of the Seventy Messengers of life and salvation to the inhabitants
of the earth. And I seal upon you all the blessings that have been sealed
upon you in days that are past and gone, in your baptisms, confirmations,
washings and anointings and ordinations; and I pray my Heavenly Father that
He will bless you with the spirit and power of this office as a Seventy,
that portion of the Priesthood associated with the Melchesedec Priesthood,
which is after the order of the Son of God. I also set you apart unto your
mission whereunto you are now called to go forth to Scandinavia, to Northern
Europe, or wherever Providence may call you, as a messenger of life and
salvation to the inhabitants of the earth, to preach the Gospel of Jesus
Christ unto all people. And I say unto you go forth in the name of the
Lord; call upon His Holy name, obtain the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, the
testimony of the Father and Son, which is your right, privelege and duty
to obtain, which is the right of every Elder in Israel who is called to go
forth to preach the gospel of the Son of God unto this generation and to
warn them of the judgments which are at the door and which are to come in
fulfilment of revelation and the word of the Lord to the inhabitants of
the earth in the day and generation in which we live. And I say unto you
that the blessing of God shall attend you upon this mission. You shall be
protected and preserved upon the land and upon the sea, upon railroads and
upon steamboats; and wherever you are called to labor you shall have the
spirit and power of revelation to guide and direct you; and wherever the
house of Israel are, the blood of Ephraim, you shall have power by revelation,
by visions, to search them out in all the land wherever you labor and this
shall be your privilege and your right to enjoy. And I dedicate you unto
the Lord for this mission and [set] you apart for this purpose. And I bless you
that you may have the spirit and power of God to rest upon you, that you may
have the Comforter to be with you to be your guide and director day by day
and night by night. And I say unto you let your heart be comforted. The
Lord will bless you and deliver you from the hands of you enemies, and the
wrath of God will rest upon your enemies as it will rest upon all men who
fight against Zion and lay snares for the feet of the Lord's anointed. May
the power of God attend you. You shall be blessed of the Lord. You shall
lay hands on the sick and they shall recover; you shall cast out devils; and
the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit shall be made manifest unto you unto
the fulfillment of the promises of God which are given unto the servants of
the GLord who embrace the fulness of the everlasting Gospel. Inasmuch as you
have obeyed the c[e]lestial law of God and snares are being laid for your feet
in consequence thereof, I say unto you lift up your head and rejoice, for
you shall have your portion and position with the Lord's anointed who have
lived in other dispensations and generations as well as those who live in
this day and time; You shall be lifted up on high, and shall have those
glories, privileges and powers which are sealed upon those who keep the
Celestial law of God. You have obeyed the law of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
the law of the fulness of the Celestial Kingdom of God, the law of the Celestial
order of marriage which has been revealed unto us. By obeying this law
you have entered on a higher plain in connection with your Heavenly Father;
and your Father and your God will fight your battles, he will overthrow your
enemies, and they will enter into the prison house and remain with those who
sit in darkness, where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth;
while you will be exalted on high. Therefore let those principles rest upon
you by the power of the Most High God. And let your heart be comforted.
Go in peace. Call upon the Lord. His spirit shall be with you, and you
shall rejoice and triumph over all your foes. These blessings I seal upon
you, and seal you up to Eternal life, and no power shall take you crown.
Now go forth and God will bless you. His spirit will rest upon you from
the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, and bear record and
testimony to your spirit that God lives and is your friend, and this testimony
shall remain with you while you are upon this mission. And when you get through
you shall return in peace and safety and those who seek to harm you will be
cast down by the judgments of the most High. These blessings I seal upon your
head with every blessing your heart can desire in righteousness before the Lord,
in the name of Jesus Christ, and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, even so,