Day in the Life

Dec 17, 1884

Journal Entry

December 17, 1884 ~ Wednesday

17 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to A M Tenney &c & John Henry Smith


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Tenney, Ammon Meshach
16 Nov 1844 - 28 Oct 1925
Smith, John Henry
18 Sep 1848 - 13 Oct 1911
298 mentions

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Letter to Ammon Meshach Tenney, Peter Julius Christofferson, and Christopher Jensen Kempe, 17 December 1884
S. L. City, . A. M. Tenney, P. J. Christofferson and C. J. Kempe. Dear Friends: I write to say that I have received several letters from Bro. Tenney, including one from Chicago of Dec. 11th. I have not answered any of them for I have not known were to reach you. I will now say that you have a large circle of friends, who deeply sym- pathize with you in your afflictions and you have the consolation of knowing that you are not imprisoned for the cause of theft, robbery, burglary or murder, or any other crime known in the black catalogue, but your imprisonment is for conscience's sake in endeavoring to carry out in practice one of the tenets of your religion, and we hope and trust that this fact, in connection with your good behaviour, and strict observance of the rules of the prison will give you favor in the eyes of your warden, that he will be willing to grant you all the privileges that the rules of the prison may permit. I would like to be informed if you will be permitted to receive ^and read^ the Deseret News as published in


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Dec 17, 1884