Day in the Life

Jan 10, 1885

Journal Entry

January 10, 1885 ~ Saturday

10 I took cars and returned to Salt Lake 105 Miles
And spent the night at home one More


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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 10 January 1885
Dear Father I take pleasure in addressing a few lines to you this weet drizzleing morning I have not received a letter from home for upwards of two weeks. My last to you was written from the office in London two weeks ago this morning which I trust you received all right. On Monday morning Pres Lund assigned me to the Portsmouth branch to labor with elder Denney. Bro Geo Dent and I spint a partian of Monday in the British Museum, and then took a walk around to see the Abby and Parlimentary buildings Tuesday morning I pack up my valise and take the train for my new field arriv- ing here about one oclock to find that elder Denney had gone to Southam


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Jan 10, 1885