Day in the Life

Mar 21, 1885

Journal Entry

March 21, 1885 ~ Saturday

March 21, 1885
I spent the day reading the History of England & the Bible


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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 21 March 1885
No. 5 St Johns St Portsmouth Dear Father, Your letter of Feb 28 85 written from Bunkerville came to hand a number of days since, but I have not had a fitting opportunity of replying to it untill now. I wrote you on Feb 23 and addressed as advised to Jas G Bleak etc. also on Feb 28 which I sent to Bunkerville both of which I trust you have received before now. Your last letter was quite as welcome as its predecessor and I was pleased to learn that your health was so good as I feared your health would be impared by the continual hardships necessarily attending you ^present^ career. Judging from the large number of your correspondents I should imagine that you would find a plenty to occupy your leisure moments. I returned yeasterday from Southampton


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Mar 21, 1885