Day in the Life

Apr 10, 1885

Journal Entry

April 10, 1885 ~ Friday

10. I dreamed last night I was arested by 2 Marshals
for cohabitation with my wives this is the 2nd time I have dreamed this

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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 10 April 1885
Dear Father Your kind and welcome letter of March 16th came down last evening from London and I now take pleasure in answering the same. Was very sorry to learn of your illness and sincerely hope and pray that you will soon recover for it is bad enough for you to be away from home even in the enjoyment of good health. I think I have received all your letters. I could tell by refeering to my journal. I am sorry that my letter should cause you any uneasiness an my account and perhaps I spoke a little to plain in following my impulse at the time of writing it. But rest assured that I shall not suffer much for any thing for my ^Pocket^ has never yet ben entirely empty and if —as my letter would imply—I have at times


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Apr 10, 1885