Day in the Life

Jun 27, 1885

Journal Entry

June 27, 1885 ~ Saturday

27 An arrow I was quite sick sick all day with the Diarrhe also nigh[t]

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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 27 June 1885
Asahel Asahel June 27 [18]85 Answered Aug 2 [18]85 No 9 Temple St. Holley St. Dalstan London June 27 [18]85 Dear Father It is now Saturday afternoon and having a few minutes leisure I take pleasure in improving them in writing a few lines to you though there is nothing of importance to communicate to you at this time of writing. Your letters of May the 22nd as also the one of June 1st are before me and have ben perused with pleasure with pleasure because it is gratifying to learn that you are in the enjo- -yment of good health and spirites The explosion at the admirality buildings about which you enquire did not ammount to a hill of [beairs] comparatively speaking as it only resulted in breaking a few panes of glass and injuring one or two persons and they but slightly. It was more of

Jun 27, 1885