Day in the Life

Jul 6, 1885

Journal Entry

July 06, 1885 ~ Monday

6 A single key with teeth to the left We travelled to Kanarrah & Dined with John Barry
I Blessed Mother Barry 82 years old. She had 3 sons
& 1 daughter Martered, 2 sons & 1 Daughter by Indians
and 1 son in Tennessee martered By Christians for preaching
the gospel we drove to Cedar & stoped with James Webster 31 m[iles]

16 we returned to camp I stoped in A K Thurber house
The Altitude is so high I suffer vary much at
night I can neither Breath or sleep lying down have to be
boulstered up to sleep or sit in a chair


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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
6 we travelled to Kanarah took Din[n]er with Brother John Berry & I Bles[s]ed Mother Berry who has 3 Son & one Daught[e]r Martered. Son Wm S Berry killed in Tennesse teaching rel[i]g[i]on by the christians. Mother Berry was 82 years old & next we drove to Ced[a]r & spent the Night with James Webster 31 Mile[s]
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
16 we ret[ur]ned to camp 6 Mile Broth[er] Cloward came this M[or]ning to camp it is qu[it]e windy to day I suffered much th[rou]gh the n[i]ght with Azma & h[i]gh Altitude hard work to breath sat up in chair part of the night I slep in the M[or]ning & was some bett[e]r

Jul 6, 1885