Day in the Life

Jul 10, 1885

Journal Entry

July 10, 1885 ~ Friday

10 we had a cold night the Brethren were cold this [morning]

we drove down the Canyon we overtook a man &
Enquired the name of the Bishop at Joseph City. He said
he was going there & asked if he could not ride with us
we took him in He had a Book with him we found He
was the registrat[i]on officer And we afterwords heard
He was a Deputy Marshal when we got to Joseph City
this man called into the Bishops but we continued
on to Elsamore & took Breakfast with Bishop Sylvester
we then drove on to Richfield & stoped with A K Thurber 29 M[iles]
[FIGURES] I receivd a Letter from J Jaques I wrote 2 letter
to J Jaques & Emma we spent the night at Br Thurbers


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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 10 July 1885

Essex July 10 [18]85 Dear Father: I wrote you last on the 27th of May ^June^ (inclosing a portrait of myself) which you will no doubt have received before this reaches you. I wrote yeasterday to the children at home admonishing them to be good children and not to neglect their chores or any thing that watend doing about the place. It was considerable of a surprise to me to learn that mother had gone out to Ashley but she will be able to comfort Nellie in her recent trouble and the change may do her good in the bargain for a change of thought a change of surroungdings and a change of air is as good as a rest, (but then mother is sutch a one to worry that she is not likely to derive a great deal of bennifit from her out.) I came down to Grays last Monday and found

Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)

10th [FIGURES] A strange thing Happ[e]ned this Morning where we had Been ca[mp]ed up all the way. As we could not take Breakfast at St Joseph we Met a Man by the side of

Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)

of the road & whether the Name of the Bishop of Joseph He told us his name and [asked to by ch[a]n[ce] th[e]r[e] on] He was going. We took him in with a Book we had He was the regis- tration officer & what was [were th[e]r[e]] all He was an [Joseph] [Mane] [Cities] Deputy Marshal we stoped at the Bishops & the Marshal w[e]nt in to the Bishops with Br Mc A and as we had all taken back News I said no to Marshal if He we[n]t to the Bishops with Mc A we wont be long so I called Mc A got before long got to the door & we drove on to Elsanore & then had

Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)

Deputy Marshal of the county we stoped with the Sister of Brothr of Bishop Joshua Sylvster we too[k] dinner we then Drove to Richfield 29 M[iles] we stoped with Br Albert K Thurber 29 Mil[e]s [FIGURES] I rec[eiv]ed 1 Letter from J. Jaques. I wrote to J Jaques & Emma I sp[en]t the night at Broth[er] Thurber

Jul 10, 1885