Day in the Life

Jul 13, 1885

Journal Entry

July 13, 1885 ~ Monday

13 We drove to Smith Parkers to se[e] his stock He had
1 Bull & 8 cows all full blooded Holstein and their
calves The finest stock of cows for Milk butter
& Beef I ever saw for milk butter & Beef The Bull &
cows are 2 years old I should Judge the Bull would
weigh 1800 lb. The cows are vary large give 30 quarts
of milk daily & make 2 lb of Butter each He paid $400
a peace for them when a year old He also had A 3
year old Hamiltonian stud supposed to be the best in the
Territory He Paid $1200 for him I took a ride on his
rase track after time He will trot a mile in 2:30 which
is the standard of most of his progenitors we returned to Thurbers


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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
13 we drove to Smith Parker to see his stock He had 1 Bull & cows full blooded Holsteine and the[i]r calves the finest stoke cows for Milk Butter & Beef I Ev[e]r saw the Bull is 2 years old I should Judge would weigh 1800 lbs He paid $400 for the yearling when Bought. He also had the had 3 year old Hamilton[i]an stud 3 year old i[n] the Territory He paid $1200 for him we examined his stock then returned to Thurbers .

Jul 13, 1885