Day in the Life

Jul 22, 1885

Journal Entry

July 22, 1885 ~ Wednesday

22 I am much better this morning we concluded to continue
our Journey we drove 17 miles & Nooned we then took
the short Rout to Salina through a vary rough road a brooken
country of hills & hollows mountains & peaks distance of the day 30 m[iles]
we spent the night with George Gates Aged 74


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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
22 I am much better this Morning we concluded to go on we drove 17 miles to Redmon River & Noo[n]ed then drove through the short rough rout[e] to Salina 13 M[iles] we traveled through a vary broader country Hills Hollows & Coves we round Mou[n]ta[i]ns of Plast[e]r [Pans] Dist[an]ce of the day 30 M[iles] ^A K Thurber^ lost his pistol & trailed 10 miles aft[e]r us & had it we spent the night with George Gates Aged 74 I slept well thro[u]gh the n[i]ght

Jul 22, 1885